Minister Kyofatokabye slams NRM figures for missing mid-review of the party manifesto

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Minister Kyofatokabye slams NRM figures for missing mid-review of the party manifesto
Kabuye Kyofatogabye

Minister of State for Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan Affairs, Kabuye Kyofatokabye, has strongly condemned the absence of NRM leaders at the mid-review of the NRM manifesto, attributing it to the continued challenges posed by the opposition.

Kyofatokabye expressed his disappointment during the National Resistance Movement's (NRM) assessment of its mid-term progress towards fulfilling its commitments outlined in the 2021-2026 manifesto.

The review, aimed at evaluating achievements and addressing shortcomings, involved technical teams from various governmental bodies including the Office of the President, the Office of the Prime Minister, and others.

"It's disheartening that those entrusted with serving the party are absent when accountability is due. How can we be expected to serve effectively when those we are accountable to are nowhere to be found?" Kyofatokabye lamented, highlighting the importance of leadership presence in such evaluations.

He criticized the failure of NRM leaders to devise a robust communication strategy to highlight and promote the party's achievements effectively.

"We must recognize the importance of clear, factual communication, especially in this digital age where information is crucial. We need to counter the negative narratives with concrete achievements," he emphasised.

Kyofatokabye also pointed out the disparity in media coverage, noting that while government successes in rural areas often go unnoticed, negative stories dominate the news. He stressed the need to address this imbalance and showcase the government's efforts in improving livelihoods.

Manifesto Implementation Unit director, Willis Bashaasha, provided insights into the progress of the Parish Development Model (PDM), a key initiative aimed at poverty alleviation.

He highlighted the inclusion of various demographics, particularly women and special interest groups, as beneficiaries of the program.

The mid-term review highlighted both successes and challenges encountered in fulfilling the manifesto commitments. Despite progress, with 35% of commitments achieved and 46% ongoing, there is room for improvement.

Bashaasha noted an improvement from previous assessments, indicating a positive trajectory in fulfilling the NRM's pledges.

The NRM manifesto focuses on key areas such as job creation, education, health, justice, security, and economic and political integration, reflecting the party's commitment to comprehensive national development.

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